ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • Rant

    by RantLang ST3 14 Installs
    Rant syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
  • RTL Mirror

    by doobleweb ST3 4K Installs
    A Sublime Editor plugin that can display RTL content correctly
  • Hungry Backspace

    by xdrop ST3 1K Installs
    This small plugin brings to Sublime Text the "hungry"/"smart" backspace feature from IntelliJ. The hungry backspace retains the scope (indentation) when the backspace key is pressed on an empty line.
  • Window Mode

    by rwols ST3 631 Installs
    Displays the mode of each window in the status bar.
  • Pue Syntax Highlight

    by QingWei-Li 2K Installs
    Sublime Text syntax highlighting for single-file Vue components
  • ChromiumTodoView

    by dougt 376 Installs
    A Sublime Text 3 plugin which displays chromium bug info for TODO(######): comments.
  • TypeTodo

    by Nikolay Ragozin 2K Installs
    Sublime plugin that holds source code TODO comments within database
  • CFile

    by ljesparis 216 Installs
    small sublime plugin
  • Electron Color Scheme

    by kcmr 4K Installs
    Dark color scheme for Sublime Text based on Electron Highlighter for Atom
  • gmESSI-Tools

    by SumeetSinha 266 Installs
    Syntax Highlighting and auto-completion rules for gmessi file (which is a semantic file written in python to tanslates from Gmsh to UCD ESSI (.fei) File Format).
  • Interactive Data Language (IDL)

    by cschreib ST3 3K Installs
    Package providing IDL syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3
  • SCSS Compiler

    by mattarnster 49K Installs
    A quick-use plugin for compiling the selected SCSS to CSS.
  • SelectiveUppercase

    by guokeke 2K Installs
    a sublime plugin for capitalize
  • Pharko

    by marczhermo ST3 45 Installs
    A Sublime Text 3 plugin for organising shared snippets by you and other community members.
  • LightScript

    by lightscript ST3 544 Installs
    Syntax definitions for LightScript, based on babel-sublime.
  • Whitespace

    by randy3k 32K Installs
    Remove Trailing Whitespace for Sublime Text
  • ChordPro

    by kudanai 777 Installs
    Adds ChordPro suppot to SublimeText2
  • Elm Snippets

    by rudolfb 3K Installs
    Elm snippets for Sublime Text 2 and 3
  • HackerTyper

    by rexxars ST3 4K Installs
    Pretend you're an expert hacker and can type flawlessly
  • GitSyntaxes

    by vovkkk 7K Installs
    Highlighting for git files in Sublime Text
  • TestChooser

    by CraigWilliams ST2 393 Installs
    Sublime Text 2 Plugin for easily running RSpec and Cucumber tests in iTerm
  • Tagify

    by maciej-zuk 77K Installs
    Put tags in your code

    by jordan-g 193 Installs
    NEURON .hoc, .ses, .inc and .mod syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
  • ixio

    by jabyrd3 88 Installs
    Sublime Text 3 plugin to post to ix.io and manage / view pastes.
  • BackgroundColorEdit

    by gsboylan 7K Installs
    Allows you to quickly and easily change only the background color of the currently active color scheme.